Luca Sassoli de Bianchi
Exploring Art, interaction design, creative coding, teaching, writing, game design, prototyping & development, in and around Switzerland.
Exploring Art, interaction design, creative coding, teaching, writing, game design, prototyping & development, in and around Switzerland.
I like problems with no clear solution and I like to use art and design to approach them. Doing this is an endless source of joy and discovery.
In the digital realm we can create whatever we want. What to do then? That’s the real challenge: to find what is needed, wanted and meaningful, to understand what makes us feel alive and engaged.
Such reflections are the main drive of my practice… as well as keeping things fun.
And perhaps, if we would look at the deeper meaning of “fun”, we could see that alive, meaningful and fun are all sides of the same hyperdimensional coin. And to be an artist or a designer is to enjoy flipping the hyperdimensional coins we encounter.
But sometimes it’s just about the colorful blinking lights.
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get in touch, though. I am always eager to meet other sentient non-AI beings.
If you are writing to me for a commission, add $$$ as a prefix to the object of the email. It will make me answer 15% faster, but it will also increase the chances of it being flagged as spam by my email system of 300%. You never know, it may be worth it.
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